Koderon brings you another scratch for kids video by one of our students – Holly.
Koderon student, Holly, shares her Thanksgiving-themed game with us. Holly, 10 years old, now has a strong coding foundation and loves creating games for her friends and family to play.
Holly tells us about what she finds most fun about Scratch – that her family and friends can play the game she makes!
During her presentation, Holly walks us through her game idea, shows us her instructions and talks through the controls.
Learn about how coding with Scratch for kids can enhance their coding abilities in a fun, engaging way whilst giving your child the opportunity to develop key skills early.
Check out our curriculum to find out more about how coding can become a fun and useful skill for your child.
Sign up for a free trial lesson today where you can sit in for 10 minutes to see how our Ivy league tutors sessions work, before the session begins in full effect with the tutor and your child adventuring into the world of coding.
Koderon offers 1-on-1 online coding lessons taught by teachers from top schools such as the Ivy League, Caltech and Berkeley. Students learn through game design and fun projects, and are encouraged to explore and experiment. To set up an exploratory chat and sign up for a free trial lesson, visit https://koderon.com/sign-up. To download a free guide on how to get kids started with coding, visit https://koderon.com/5-steps-guide. #codingforkids #kidscoding #scratchcoding #python #stemeducation #stemeducationforkids