Curriculum for 1-on-1 Online Coding Classes
Our curriculum is specially designed for young kids , utilizing exercise and project-based learning to keep students engaged. Students start from playing games that teach them about basic programming concepts, then gradually learn to do projects by combining and configuring code blocks, to finally learning Python codes through a gradual drag-to-text coding transition. All platforms used are tried-and-true platforms, each with tens of millions of users, and all the levels are teaching and growing problem-solving skills and computer logic. This progressive approach will foster their love for coding and deepen their understanding as they progress through their coding journey.

Level 1 - Introduction
This course provides a fun introduction to coding for beginners and will explore the importance of digital citizenship. You'll learn the fundamentals of computer science with drag & drop blocks as you begin to create your own art, stories, and games.
Concepts covered:
• Sequencing
• Introduction to Loops
• Impacts of Computing
• Events
Level 2 - Building Foundation
This course will build on concepts learned in level 1; and explore new concepts including algorithms, nested loops, conditionals, and functions using drag and drop blocks. As you learn to code, we will investigate different problem-solving techniques and discuss societal impacts of computing and the internet.
Concepts covered:
• Reinforce concepts in level 1
• Algorithms
• Nested Loops
• Conditionals
• Functions
Level 3 - Logics & Algorithms
This course explores different kinds of loops, events, functions, conditionals, and variables at the intermediate level. You will apply the knowledge to design and create a capstone project you can share with friends and family.
Concepts covered:
• Create their own signature project
• Variables
• String
• Mathematical operators
Level 4 - Advanced Code Blocks
This course is project focused using Google’s curriculum and introduces the student to Scratch’s block-based programming environment. This course will build on the computer science fundamentals allowing the students to join the big Scratch community in designing and programing their own games, stories, and art in Scratch. The projects in this course will include:
• Interactive Presentation
• Pitch Your Passion
• Animate a Name
• Fashion and Design
• Game Design
Level 5 - Drag-to-Text Coding
In this interactive project based course, students will design animation, tell stories, and create games using Python. Students will learn to code using a drag-to-text toolkit to transition to a more advance coder. Each project-based lesson culminates with students creatively extending and customizing their projects.
Concepts covered:
• Basic syntax
• Program design and structure
• Variables
• Loops
• If statements
• Debugging
• Problem solving
• Computational thinking
• Algorithms
Level 6 - Text Coding
This course is a continuation of Python 1. Students will dive deeper into Python fundamentals with loops, variables, conditional statements, and functions, while also exploring more advanced topics such as lists, sets, dictionaries, and error checking. Students will practice integrating these concepts in building a series of complex projects.Concepts covered:
• List
• Functions
• Indexes
• Data types
• Debugging
• Problem solving
• Computational thinking
• Algorithms
Starting Out
- When you book 4 lessons in advance
- 1-on-1 lessons
- Tailored to your kids' abilities
- USA based teachers from top schools
- Detailed reports on your kid's progress
- Learn to code in Scratch and Python
- When you book 8 lessons in advance
- 1-on-1 lessons
- Tailored to your kids' abilities
- USA based teachers from top schools
- Detailed reports on your kid's progress
- Learn to code in Scratch and Python