Technology is everywhere, and the classroom is no exception. With new learning tools and widespread computer use, a modern classroom looks and functions very differently from schools just a decade ago. Kids and coding, graphic design, app development, and other digital skills now go hand in hand. Teachers who thoughtfully use technology can open up a brand new world of learning opportunities for their students! Discover how technology is changing the classroom and why we should welcome this transformation.
The classroom can now be anywhere

Technology expands opportunities for connection and experience. Students with a modern device can learn anywhere with an Internet connection. Learning is a seamless part of everyday life, reinforcing a student’s growth and development. Today’s school districts, utility providers, and local governments often work towards this goal by providing every student with a device and an Internet connection.
Students who have a laptop or other device can keep learning even when they’re not in a physical classroom. Teachers can move their classes outside to explore nature, take complicated field trips, or simply enjoy the sunshine—while enjoying unlimited access to a full range of digital learning tools. This flexibility can offer flexibility and a world of new experiences.
Widespread computer use also makes distributed or distance learning an option for more students. With modern technology, students of all ages can attend classes online. Classes range from traditional subjects like math and reading to cutting-edge offerings such as computer coding. From preschool to graduate school, online learning offers a well-rounded education that might otherwise be out of reach.
Technology increases collaboration
New horizons in collaborative learning have been discovered thanks to computer use. Technology allows students to easily work with both teachers and peers. Group projects are more streamlined and provide a realistic preview of modern teamwork. Learners can work together in real-time, allowing everyone to access the same document at the same time. This prepares students for their future careers in digital working environments.
Classroom technology also offers more ways to get help. A student struggling with a homework assignment can now reach out to their teachers and classmates after hours. By working at their own pace, students can learn in a less stressful, more enjoyable way.
Modern technology in the classroom allows students to explore different types of collaborative learning. Students can work together on many kinds of projects that used to be impossible in a classroom setting. From graphic design and visual presentations to computer coding and virtual conferences, classroom technology opens broad new avenues for learning.
Technology, and how it is Expanding the knowledge base

Online learning portals are powerful tools to share information and schools are making good use of Google Classroom to get their lessons to their students online.. The specialized knowledge that used to be held by one person—such as a department head or an advanced subject teacher—can be made available to all learners.
Any type of school can share information among its teachers and students. Whether students attend a small private elementary school with only a few classmates, or are one of the thousands of students at a major university system, their knowledge base can always be expanded. A shared information portal is a modern solution that gives students as many learning opportunities as possible.
Preparing 21st-century learners
Technology is changing more than just classrooms. As digital tools and technological advances spring to life in every industry, technology is becoming a vital part of society. Students need to learn how to use this technology so they don’t fall behind in school—or in life. Classroom technology prepares young minds to succeed and thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Children build digital literacy that will last a lifetime through their age-appropriate exposure to technology. Classroom technology also provides a gateway to modern digital skills. Students who grow up with educational technology in the classroom and at home are well-prepared to learn computer coding, graphic design, digital communication, and many other vital skills. These subjects empower students for a diverse digital life.
Ensuring your children have the core skills needed to work online can ensure they are ready for further education, the workforce and creating their own businesses as they get older. That’s why Koderon is passionate about teaching children coding while they are young. Our curriculum equips students with the key skills to innovate and bring their ideas to life online, but also a passion for technology in a world where it is difficult to avoid.