Girls, Coding & STEM- Does it work? Learning to code is a great incentive to get more girls interested in STEM. STEM is a group of studies including science, technology, engineering, and math. These are a predominantly male study, but there is a push to get more young girls interested in this field, and coding is a way to get that started.
When Can Girls Start Coding?
Even as young as age 8, girls can begin learning to code using games, shapes, and colors, making fun and easy to learn. As they progress into written text coding, they will see how coding fits their everyday lives and how it can influence their future. Many women who continue in computer science fields began by learning something simple like coding.
Many girls lack confidence when it comes to science and math studies. Girls typically outperform boys in STEM fields, but many don’t follow careers in those industries. However, tech is the foundation for many jobs and career fields, and many girls miss out because they feel they can compete with boys in those fields.
Learning to code at a younger age will give girls the confidence to know they can succeed and provide them with the courage and drive to follow their passions within the STEM industry. They can stand up with their male counterparts and compete for exciting positions in amazing companies.
Will They Stay Interested?

Typically girls lose interest in computer sciences around the ages of 12-14. But with the right courses and teachers, their interest in coding can become a passion. Boys and girls alike need the encouragement that they are doing a good job and that with the right drive, anything is possible. Coding can provide them with the creative outlet to explore their interests in a way they may not have thought possible while learning valuable life skills along the way.
Technology has become the most powerful thing in shaping a kid’s “life infrastructure.” Getting girls into coding at any age will help fill the shortage of women in the tech industry. They can help create a significant impact on the world around them.
Coding may not be for everyone, but it allows kids to find a healthy creative outlet by creating new worlds. Many use their skills to send positive messages of support to others in their networks. STEM isn’t just a career or a study. It’s a network of like-minded people that helps make your child feel connected and builds confidence in themselves and their abilities.
Girls, Coding and STEM all go hand in hand. Coding is a valuable skill for children to learn. It teaches logic, planning, and organization. For those that want to go on in computer science, Scratch is a great introduction that will make learning more dynamic languages like Python much easier. Make sure you check out our 5 Reasons Kids Should Learn To Code.