In today’s coding resources for kids we look into building a holiday card which your child can use for any special event throughout the year.
This lesson dives into the core skills of coding by teaching your children how to use logic, design and Scratch to build a dynamic holiday card for their friends, teachers and loved ones and is one of many coding resources to come!
Check out our curriculum to find out more about how coding can become a fun and useful skill for your child.
Sign up for a free trial lesson today where you can sit in for 10 minutes to see how our Ivy league tutors sessions work, before the session begins in full effect with the tutor and your child adventuring into the world of coding.
Build a tool that allows users to decorate holiday cards in Scratch. This is a great project that allows kids to use their creativity in designing holiday cards! Koderon is a premium online learning center, offering 1-on-1 online coding lessons to kids ages 7-18, taught by the best teachers from top schools such as Caltech, Berkeley and Cornell. We cultivate kids’ love for coding through game design and fun projects. To learn more and sign up for an info chat and a free 1-on-1 trial lesson , visit To get a free guide on how to get your kids started with coding, visit