The Shiny Snake in the Programming Jungle – Why Your Kids should Learn Python
The Shiny Snake in the Programming Jungle In the wilderness of programming languages, where semicolons lurk behind every statement and syntax trees sway menacingly over

Online Private Coding Lessons with Koderon (koderon.com)
Help your children to learn coding during their early development with online private coding lessons. With Koderon, your kids can learn vital skills which will

Kids Coding Resources – How to create the Crossy Road game in Scratch
In today’s coding resources for kids we look into How to create the Crossy Road game in Scratch which your child can share with friends

Scratch: Coding for Kids – Koderon Student Highlight – Holly
Koderon brings you another scratch for kids video by one of our students – Holly. Koderon student, Holly, shares her Thanksgiving-themed game with us. Holly,

Coding for kids – Getting Started with Scratch
Today Koderon look at Scratch with a step-by-step instruction on how to get started. Scratch is a great way to introduce kids to coding. It

Coding Resources – Create a “holiday card builder” in Scratch – Tutorial
In today’s coding resources for kids we look into building a holiday card which your child can use for any special event throughout the year.

Coding for kids – Student Highlight: Andrew
Koderon brings you another coding for kids video by one of our students – Andrew. Koderon student, Andrew, has turned his love for video games

How Technology Is Changing the Classroom
Technology is everywhere, and the classroom is no exception. With new learning tools and widespread computer use, a modern classroom looks and functions very differently

Is Coding For Kids Just Another Fad?
Coding, or computer programming, is one of the trendiest activities for kids today. Classes, camps, workshops, toys, games, subscription boxes, and more are available to

Empowering Girls in Computer Science
The cultural changes taking place within the United States over the last several years has been widespread and profound. Girls are being encouraged more than

COVID and Coding: Tips For Coding Education During Distance Learning
Students (especially elementary kids) need some structure when learning to make sure they excel. With the arrival of COVID, distance learning has created some chaos

Why Children with Autism Can Excel At Coding
Autism and Coding A recent discussion in the autism community is the benefit of learning to code. Autism and coding go well together. Anyone with