
COVID and Coding: Tips For Coding Education During Distance Learning

Students (especially elementary kids) need some structure when learning to make sure they excel. With the arrival of COVID, distance learning has created some chaos within the school system. Going distance learning can make it difficult for younger children while they are learning coding, which can leave them frustrated. Here are some tips to help make sure they still find the joy in it and keep it fun.

Covid and Coding Tip 1: Make it a game. 

As a parent you may already be frazzled because of having your kid home for school and games aren’t on the top of your priority list. But by making schooling fun, kids can learn without even realizing it. You might be surprised to find how many teachers already make learning fun by using games. 

This is true of coding too and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Start by giving them tasks to do that have to be done in a certain amount of time. This gets them used to working on a deadline. Or give them certain rules. Exercises like these help them learn problem-solving, time management, memory, and teamwork (if more than one person is involved). Have your child present their results to you. This will help develop their communication skills and help reduce the possibility of social anxiety later. If you use games like this for key subjects like Math, Science, English….Coding (hint, hint). 

Covid and Coding Tip 2: Mix coding education with core education subjects. 

Right now technology plays a HUGE part in kids learning and kids are naturally curious. They want to know how and why things work the way they do. Computer science is a great addition to their learning schedules and the coding they learn will help them better understand the computers and other technology they work with every day. 

Coding fits in easily with STEM subjects like Math, English, and Science. Children as young as 8 can easily add coding to their curriculum and it can help build their critical thinking skills, which will help them learn their other school subjects easier. Simply making the problems and assignments more visual is an easy way to get them started.

Tip 3: Give them all the support they need.

Kids want to be challenged when learning but sometimes they get stuck too. Distance learning can be quite a learning curve too since each child learns at a different level. Try to keep encouraging them when they get the wrong answers and celebrate with them when they get it right! Try to explain that each wrong answer still teaches them something and is just another step towards getting the right answer. 

Coding for kids is a fun activity and a great way for kids to better understand all the changes in technology around them. Koderon knows that school can be stressful but coding doesn’t have to be. Sign up for classes and see the difference it makes in your child and their schooling.