For us parents, when we were growing up, coding was for the professionals and the computer geeks. Things sure have changed. If you find yourself asking, ‘Why should my kids learn to code?’ Then this article is for you. Steve Jobs famously said “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.”
Some parents may not yet realize the criticality of coding education for their kids; others may understand the importance but don’t know how to get the kids started or help them advance further. Fortunately, there are immense resources available today to help the parents. Let’s dive into five reasons why kids should learn to code and how to help them get started or advance further.
1. Coding helps children understand the world. Coding skills are critical for this generation in a technologically advancing world, regardless of which field they choose a career in. Computers can be found in virtually any aspect of our lives: banking, health, security, social media, education, communication, transportation, and even shopping. Children must be able to not only use computers but understand how they work, especially as the world further progresses into a technology-run world. Coding has become the language of much of the world we interact with, and like any other language, it teaches children logical thinking and communication while strengthening verbal and written skills.
2. Learning to code builds problem solving, analytical abilities, and computation thinking. The ability to think about and solve problems is an essential skill regardless of the field your child chooses a career in. In fact, two out of every three computing jobs are founded in the finance, business, healthcare, and design industries. Whether you are a social media guru trying to revamp the design of a company’s website or a finance or business professional, learning computer programming will develop skills applicable to your career such as creativity, logic, and critical thinking.
3. Coding skills are an advantage for school and job applications. With many schools and employers looking for applicants who possess basic coding skills, a lack of coding skills will put your child at a disadvantage in the application process. Learning how to code will not only teach your child essential skills like problem-solving but also demonstrates a willingness to always learn. Coding helps children visualize abstract concepts, apply math and logic to real-world situations, and better plan and organize their thoughts. In an ever-evolving technological world, coding skills are becoming more and more sought out in a competitive application process.
4. Public education on coding is lacking. It’s up to parents to help their kids learn subjects not covered in public education. Grade-schoolers are taught English, Biology and Mathematics, and languages in order to understand and communicate with the world around them but are not taught the basics of programming; knowing how computers communicate and how to engage with them should be a given then. Exposing children to different subjects at an early age is essential to developing their young minds, so it is important to supplement public education with learning how to code.
5. Coding is fun! With coding many applications of coding such as creating a game or animation, learning to code can be really fun for kids. Kids may find educational activities like reading or math boring compared to playing video games: so why not combine both? Learning to code can take the form of learning how games are made, creating a simple website, or solving puzzles and challenges. Coding helps children become more confident in math and communication while allowing them to be creative.
Introducing to your kids to coding may sound like a daunting task, but there are many options and tools available for your child to learn coding, ranging from coding games and online resources to 1-on-1 teaching. Here are four ways to help your kids, each resource is unique in the content it offers and the way in which they teach coding.
1. Coding apps and games are a great way to introduce your child to learning how to code. There are several iPad apps and online games specifically designed for educational purposes that introduce your child to the concepts of variables and objects, loops, procedures, and conditional instructions. Special coding apps that use a drag and drop interface are a great tool for introducing your child to the foundations of computer programming. It’s a great way to build kids’ interest in coding, but they are limited in the practicality and need to be supplemented with more structured forms of education. Games like Think & Learn Code-a-pillar and Code Karts are great free apps for younger learners, while games like Code Combat ( and Code Monkey ( teach text coding for slightly older kids.
2. Online resources provide more content for your kids to play around with and teach text-based coding on top of fundamental concepts. Web-based platforms are great for teaching programming syntax with English-like commands that even 8-year-olds can understand. Self-guided activities that utilize gaming elements give your child a chance to use computer programming to solve puzzles and build games. Children can also learn to build graphics, animations, and interactive visualizations by following basic programming tutorials. The downside is that kids often don’t have the patience to sit and go through all the content themselves, which is where the structure of online classes can be beneficial. Great resources to check out include Khan Academy ( and Tynker (
3. Group classes, whether in person or online, provide helpful guidance throughout your child’s learning process. Courses may either focus on a specific language (like HTML, Java, or Python) or often more game-based introductions to algorithms and web development. There are plenty of choices in this area, some are structured as weekly classes, whereas others are one- or two-week-long summer camps. While it’s a great economical way to get guided instructions, this ultimately has its drawbacks. Similar to math or music instruments, you can’t master something in a 2-week-long program. And since coding is best learned through trial and error, teachers can only help one student at a time when they get stuck. As a result, group environments are not ideal for learning coding. In addition, online classes are often taught by age, so they do not tailor to the pace of each individual. Code Ninjas ( offers group classes.
4. 1-on-1 teaching is the best combination of these options by offering a structured curriculum that allows creativity but is specifically catered to your child’s learning process. This method allows the instructor to apply an individualized approach to teaching your child, which means your child can excel and won’t get left behind. Moreover, the teacher can adjust the learning content and difficulty based on your child’s coding experience and learning abilities and answer questions your child has. Every child has a slightly different learning process and pace they advance at, so 1-on-1 teaching is powerful since it guides your child through the structured content while allowing your child the flexibility to learn on their own terms. The drawback, of course, is the higher cost compared to group lessons, but the value for your money and time makes this the best option. Koderon ( is the leading education provider in this category.
Depending on their math abilities and patience, ages 8-12 is a great time for kids to start learning coding. However, children can learn to code at any age, and these skills are essential to your child’s intellectual development. With technology becoming increasingly more accessible, it’s time to stop asking why kids should learn to code and get them on their computers practising. Parents have the job of empowering our children and providing them opportunities that will set them on a path towards success. With the extensive educational resources out there, helping your child learn coding is easier than ever!